I conduct therapy using ABA principles, conducting drills and use reinforcments to train the child in his basic foundations. As the child attains the basic concepts, I will move to activities based intervention to incorporate all the skills taught.

My therapy also adopts a play based approach, where learning is incorporated during playtime. During playtime, I will work on the speech and language portion while letting the child take the lead.

For older children who are in Pathlight School or mainstream schools, I continue to provide support especially in their academic areas such as phonics, reading and literacy.

Things that I work on:

Behavioral management: At the start of therapy, I focus on building compliance and good work habits. I will ensure the child is settled down in therapy before moving on to individual skills.

Fine motor: I work on basic fine motor tasks and gradually move on to colouring and writing.

Adaptive skills: I place an emphasis in training the child in adaptive skills like toileting, eating, dressing and undressing. There will be scheduled toilet breaks during the session.

Cognitive skills: Basic concepts like colours, shapes, ABC, counting etc. will be covered as part of the fundamental program. For children who have mastered the basic concepts, I will touch on more academic things like spelling, phonics, reading and addition to work towards the mainstream cirriculum.

Speech and language: I work on the child’s articulation and speech imitation. I build their vocabulary systematically by using puzzles, flash cards, drills and theme-based activities. After ensuring the child attained receptive understanding of the words, I will work on the mean length of utterance (MLU) of the child using adaptive books.

For non-verbal children, I work on requesting using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) or communication board. I also work on their receptive understanding like following basic instructions.

Social skills: I work on the child’s social skills through conversation practices, social stories and social games. Selected children will be invited to attend group sessions with me so that I can facilitate their social interactions with peers.